After years, Treyarch finally working on fix for Gorod Krovi Easter Egg bug in Black Ops 3

Keshav Bhat

Treyarch has confirmed in a tweet earlier this week that the studio is, finally, working on a fix for the Gorod Krovi Easter Egg in Call of Duty: Black Ops 3.

The bugs in that specific map have stopped many players from being able to earn final achievements, complete the easter eggs, and thus halted them from being 100% completed for the map.

The tweet says that they are actively working on this fix, and a deployment date will be announced soon.

About The Author

Keshav Bhat is the Co-Founder of, the world's largest Call of Duty news site. Based in Atlanta, Keshav also serves as the Head of Social Media for Dexerto network, running a network of over 10 million social followers. Keshav can be contacted for tips at [email protected]