Apex Legends devs discuss future of Ranked after Season 13 changes

Joseph Pascoulis
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The Apex Legends devs have revealed their plans and ideas for Ranked following the response to changes made in Season 13.

Apex Legends Season 13 brought some major changes to the Ranked system, making it harder for players to get through the higher ranks. Although some players have enjoyed the change, others have found the new Ranked system frustrating.

With that being said, the devs recognized that change was needed, unveiling a variety of tweaks to Ranked for the 13.1 patch. Further, the devs have discussed even more plans for Ranked in the future.

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In an interview with The Loadout, Respawn’s Senior Design Director Evan Nikolich answered questions regarding the future of Ranked, and how the Season 13 changes have impacted their plans.

In response to a question regarding player reactions to the changes, Evan said that the devs are moving in “the right direction with the rank system, creating a better competitive environment and better quality play.”

Despite the success of having teams survive longer and wins becoming more substantial, Evan says there is still “a lot of room to grow and improve.” The two main points that the dev picks up on when it comes to improvement are “matchmaking and the grind.”

It seems the devs have been listening to feedback and will look to improve on these two points, especially matchmaking.

Apex Legends Ranked Rank Reset

Later in the interview, Evan points to matchmaking as one of the community’s biggest complaints. The dev says that matchmaking is a “constant challenge,” but they are “actively working on improving matchmaking.”

Evan also feels that the devs need to “get better at separating out the skill tiers faster,” as there is a substantial amount of high-skilled players sitting in lower ranks. Further, Evan mentions “room to improve the solo experience,” which is something NICKMERCS also feels needs improvement.

It seems the devs have plans to continue evolving and improving the ranked experience in Apex Legends, but they feel that Season 13 was a step in the right direction.

For more on Apex Legends, check out the Replicator changes in the Awakening Collection Event update.

Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment