Apex Legends players call for major nerf to Valkyrie’s ultimate

Hamza Khalid
Valkyrie in Apex Legends

Valkyrie’s ultimate ability Skydive lets her launch 180m into the air, allowing for easy rotations. Now, Apex Legends players are calling for this ability to be nerfed, claiming the scanning portion of this ability is too powerful.

Apex Legends features 19 different characters to choose from, all of whom come with their own unique set of skills. One popular Legend is Valkyrie, who is able to soar through the sky during battles.

She is one of the most-picked Legends in Season 11. Now, Season 12 is approaching fast and players are asking for Respawn Entertainment to nerf to her famous Skyward Dive ability.

Valkyrie's VTOL jets

Valkyrie’s Skyward Dive ability in Apex Legends lets the character and her teammates soar across the map while scanning for players on the ground. This informs them whether or not it’s safe to land in that area.

At the time of writing, this is one of the only scanning abilities in the game that doesn’t provide notifications to opponents who have been caught in it. This has caused many players to call for a change.

Reddit user ‘3KeyReasons’ brought up this issue in the Apex Legends subreddit. They suggested that Respawn add a “Skydive Detected” notification that will warn you about Valkyrie’s ultimate.

One user brought up that Valkyrie’s ultimate needs a line of sight to scan players, but they agreed with the Redditor’s suggestion: “This feature would be better. It would at least make us aware that a 3rd party is jumping on our heads.”

This change would certainly make it much easier to stay out of the way of Valkyrie’s Skyward Dive ability. Currently, it’s unknown whether or not Respawn will choose to implement this feature in the game.

For more Apex Legends, check out some major Apex Legends Season 12 map changes that have been teased by the devs, and how many people are playing Apex Legends in 2022.

Image credits: Respawn Entertainment