Apex Legends players call for new Warzone matchmaking feature to be added

Joseph Pascoulis
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Since the introduction of Looking for a Party in Warzone, Apex Legends players are asking the devs for a similar feature to be added in a future update.

Apex Legends has been a pioneer when it comes to quality-of-life features in Battle Royale games.

Not only is the Ping system undefeated, but players also loved the fill or no fill addition to matchmaking.

Aside from the recent controversy surrounding changes to the game, players are now calling for a small feature that was recently introduced in Warzone.

Gibraltar skydiving with teammates in Apex Legends

Warzone players were delighted when the developers introduced the “Looking for a Party” matchmaking filter so that players could find teammates that suit their needs.

The Apex Legends developers are very active in communicating with the community. They quickly added “Fill” and “No Fill” options when players called for it.

Now, in Season 10, players are calling for the developers to introduce a similar feature to Warzone’s matchmaking filter.

Reddit user JackVibe posted a great mock-up of what a “matchmaking preference” feature could look like in Apex Legends, asking the developers directly if they’d be interested:

“Hey Respawn, How about a Matchmaking Preference for Teammates?”

Warzone’s Looking for a Party feature allows players to search for teammates with filters such as:

  • Game modes
  • Party communication
  • Play style

The idea presented by the user for an Apex Legends version of this feature also sees similar filters:

  • Chattiness
  • Motivation
  • Teamwork

One of the most important things when teaming up with randoms in a battle royale like Apex Legends is communication, so being able to select a chatty teammate who is motivated and wants to work together could be a lifesaver for someone looking for the perfect teammate.

This would be a great feature for the game’s quality of life, allowing players to find others to play with and enjoy the game. However, one user does make a valid comment, suggesting that this feature could cause the queue times to be “scuffed.”

We’ll see what happens in the future and whether Respawn Entertainment will introduce a similar matchmaking feature. For now, it seems they will be focussing on the next Collection Event update, which promises to remove tap-strafing.

Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment