Is Arenas being removed from Apex Legends? Leaks suggest Control as replacement

Joseph Pascoulis
apex legends arenas map party crasher

Apex Legends leaks and rumors are suggesting that the 3v3 Arenas is being removed from the free-to-play game in the near future.

Apex Legends remains one of the most popular battle royale games despite the massive launch of Warzone 2, still pulling a huge player base in 2022 and even breaking their Stream record for live player count in Season 15.

The game offers an abundance of content with 23 Legends to choose from, all differing in abilities and playstyles, as well as events such as the Wintertide Collection Event. These events often bring limited-time modes, such as the fan-favorite Winter Express LTM.

As well as battle royale, ranked, and LTMs, Apex Legends also offers players Arenas, a more strategical 3v3 round-based mode that sees players purchasing their loadouts and battling it out.

Unfortunately, this mode has been out of favor recently, not just for the community, but also for the devs, as it hasn’t seen an update for some time. Now, the community is claiming that leaks and rumors point towards the mode being removed.

Is Arenas being removed from Apex Legends?

According to reliable Apex Legends leaker Thordan Smash, “they have heard from sources that (Arenas) will be leaving.”

Further, Thordan Smash also states that Respawn “want control to take its place,” which is one of Apex Legends’ most loved LTMs that players have been wanting to become permanent. However, according to Thordan’s sources, the devs are having issues making Control “stable,” which could potentially delay its replacement of Arenas.

The devs have also said that Control would not be permanent, but also to never say never, so perhaps this is further evidence in support of the mode taking over from Arenas.

When could Arenas be removed from Apex Legends?

Rumors suggest that Arenas could be removed as soon as Season 16, but Thordan Smash is unsure where that rumor came from, although he does say that it “could happen.”

Despite Thordan not receiving a “hard time frame on when that will take place.” There’s a rumor floating around that Arenas will be removed in Season 16, as Apex player cirohara tweeted on December 10 saying “theyre removing arenas in s16 lol.”

Keep in mind, these are just leaks and rumors and nothing has been officially confirmed yet by Respawn Entertainment. We’ll have to wait and see just how accurate these leaks and rumors are regarding the removal of Arenas in Apex Legends, as it could potentially be in Season 16.

For more, make sure you check out the leaked Assault Rifle that could be coming to Apex Legends Season 16 and the current Legend pick rates.

Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment