Apex Legends leaker claims there will be no new character in Season 16

Andrew Highton
catalyst looking at world's edge map in apex legends season 15

Apex Legends Season 16 could be about to abandon tradition with the game’s seasonal updates as a leak suggests there will be no new character added.

Since Apex Legends began way back in 2019, the battle royale shooter has made a point of adding a new Legend to the fray with every seasonal update.

Most recently, Season 14 added Vantage, and Season 15 welcomed Catalyst to Respawn Entertainment’s Hero shooter.

It seems like a little break might be in order after a renowned Apex leaker outed some of the content coming to Apex Legends Season 16, but made no mention of a new Legend entering the fray.

ThordanSmash has become a reliable name in the Apex community when it comes to leaks and datamining. So players are confident in the user’s information and think that the news of there being no additional Heroes is entirely plausible.

According to a Reddit post that captured a bunch of Thordan’s detail on Apex Legends Season 16, there will be “no new Legend” and instead there will simply be “Legend buffs and nerfs including [a] Lifeline buff” and the Lifeline buff will make the character’s Care package drop a lot faster than before.

The response to a lack of a new Legend was met with little-to-no response, which is an interesting aspect in itself. But players actually became more intrigued by the apparent Season 17 Legend, as well as reports that Control is replacing Arenas.

“Ballistic is the S17 legend, old name was Caliber,” said one player, and another commented: “I’d be alright with Control becoming permanent. I figured that was their gameplan eventually since they’ve made so many game mode-specific voice lines and the like for it.”

Along with the very early talk of Season 23, there’s a lot of information to digest, and based on previous leaks from ThordanSmash, although we’d recommend taking the info with a pinch of salt, don’t be surprised to see this all come to fruition.

If you’re interested in a lot more Apex Legends news, the devs recently addressed long-standing rumors of cross-progression in the game, and World’s Edge is reportedly in for some seismic changes.

Image Credit: Respawn Entertainment