Apex Legends Legacy: Airdrop changes and ranked details

Joseph Pascoulis
Apex Legends Map Rotation

Apex Legends’ fans received an abundance of news following the release of the Legacy gameplay trailer, such as major airdrop changes and information about ranked leagues.

It’s not long until the official release of Apex Legends’ newest season, Legacy, and it seems more information surrounding content and the upcoming patch have surfaced.

The community pulled together to reveal various details around airdrop changes, ranked details, and even map changes.

Apex Legends Legacy airdrop changes

Apex Legends Legacy Airdrop changes

Since the Peacekeeper became a care package weapon in Season 5 to replace the Mastiff, players called for its return.

The Peacekeeper was arguably one of the best floor weapons in the game during the first five seasons of Apex Legends. Although it received various nerfs to balance the damage output, players still loved it.

The Mastiff did receive a lot of love during the Peacekeeper’s absence, as it quickly became the most used weapon in Season 7 and the first split of Season 8. However, this didn’t last long, as the recent patch saw its damage nerfed, allowing the Eva-8 to take a more dominant role in the shotgun class.

In Legacy, the Peacekeeper will return to floor loot, replaced by a fan-favorite sniper, the Triple Take. This is bittersweet, as although it will be great to have the Peacekeeper back finally, the Triple Take is one of the most loved and best weapons in the game.

Ranked Leagues

Apex Legends Legacy ranked

After the trailer’s release, we also received some information on the map rotation for Legacy Ranked Leagues. Respawn Entertainment’s game designer, Eric Canavese, told @ggpedroperes during a press briefing that World’s Edge will be returning in Legacy for the first split of Ranked Leagues.

This decision was made to not only allow players to enjoy World’s Edge, which was not in Season 8 but also to allow players to adjust to the changes on Olympus in public games.

After the first split for Apex Legends Legacy, Infested Olympus will then take its place as the map for Ranked Leagues.

This is a great change as the last split in Season 8 saw Olympus as the final map rotation, so getting World’s Edge in the first split and then a changed Olympus in the second will feel very refreshing and new for ranked grinders.

This does mean that Kings Canyon will be absent during Legacy, so for those who love the original map, you’re going to have to wait until the next big update to see it again, so make the most of it in Season 8 while you can!

For more on Apex Legends Legacy, make sure to check out our article on the CAR SMG that could be making its way into the loot pool soon.

Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment