Apex Legends Mobile Fade: Abilities & lore

Joseph Pascoulis
apex legends mobile fade

Apex Legends Mobile is getting its first exclusive Legend in Season 1 of the new mobile battle royale. The Mobile-exclusive Legend is called Fade and they are arriving with some very interesting abilities.

For those unaware, Respawn Entertainment is finally launching its mobile version of Apex Legends worldwide in May, and they are kicking off the first season with a bang.

In order to distinguish itself from the console and PC version of Apex Legends, the devs have decided to bring mobile-exclusive Legends to the battle royale on handheld devices.

The first of these Legends is Fade, who boasts some fascinating abilities and lore.

Apex Legends Mobile: Fade

apex legends mobile fade

After being teased, the first Apex Legends Mobile Legend exclusive to the platform is Fade, a mobility-based Legend whose abilities are focused on aggression and speed.

Fade’s real name is Ignacio Huamani, and he’s a bit of a hothead. After finding and donning the “simulacrum suit” he now wears, he and his family were attacked. Fade managed to escape thanks to the Phase tech in the suit, but unfortunately, his family died.

He has joined the Apex Games to avenge his family, hoping that by putting himself out there, those who killed his family would come for him as well.

Apex Legends Fade abilities

Fade's abilities in Apex Legends Mobile

Fade’s kit in Apex Legends Mobile is centered around his simulacrum suit and Phase technology.

  • Passive – Slipstream:
    • Gain a short movement speed boost at the end of a slide
  • Tactical – Flashback:
    • Go back to where you were a while ago from the void
  • Ultimate – Phase Chamber:
    • Release a phase cage to send all Legends within range into the Void.

As you can see, Fade is almost a mix of both Wraith and Octane, using speed and Phase technology to take advantage of his enemies.

Fade’s Passive keeps his momentum up, while his Tactical can pull him back from sticky situations his speed may put him in.

His Ultimate is very interesting, as it seems he’ll actually be able to send Legends into the void with a grenade-like device. This can be used offensively or defensively, either to help a teammate out or make a full squad smaller by sending one of them into the void.

Will Fade be coming to Apex Legends on PC & Console?

fade in apex legends mobile

Currently, there are no plans to bring Fade to the PC & Console version of Apex Legends. Fade is the first mobile-exclusive Legend for Apex Legends Mobile and was specifically designed to be used in the mobile version of the battle royale.

Having said that, Respawn haven’t fully ruled out the possibility of bringing mobile-first Legends to PC & Consoles, so perhaps we’ll hear something in the future. For now, however, it won’t be happening.

If you’re interested in Apex Legends on Console and PC, check out the best FOV settings to use.

Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment