Apex Legends players share mind-blowing secret Legend abilities

Joseph Pascoulis
crypto apex legends

Apex Legends players have been sharing secret Legend abilities, leaving some in the community absolutely mind-blown.

Apex Legends has a massive roster of Legends to choose from, all with unique abilities and personalities. Aside from Apex Legends Mobile, the main game will have 22 characters to choose from in Season 14, with Vantage being the latest to be announced.

Picking your favorite Legend and mastering them will see great results in your performance. While the character descriptions give players an understanding of how the Legend’s abilities work, there are small tricks of the trade that players must find out for themselves.

Apex Legends’ secret abilities

For example, players found that Recon Legend Seer has a hidden ability that makes his Passive even more effective, and now the community is searching for more.

In the Apex Legends subreddit, players in the community have been sharing more secret Legend abilities that players may not know about, like Gibraltar being able to revive teammates faster in his dome shield.

While this ability may not come as a surprise for more experienced players, it’s not mentioned in the character description, which led players in the comments of the Reddit post to share more hidden Legend abilities.

Reddit user Earthtrone shared a very interesting secret ability for Crypto, explaining that the Legend “can reload guns with his drone.” Essentially, when operating his drone, Crypto’s weapons automatically reload, similarly to how a gold extended magazine works.

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Further, another comment revealed that Valkyrie can “identify the game’s Kill Leader, Champion, and in Control, Ratings Leader via little letters that appear while she’s sky diving.”

There seem to be many small hidden abilities for Legends that are not mentioned in the ability descriptions, adding even more depth to an already complex game.

For more insight, check out our piece on if Apex Legends has fall damage.

Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment