Apex Legends Season 11: Guide to Storm Point’s Wildlife

Joseph Pascoulis
ash fighting prowlers in apex

Apex Legends’ new Storm Point map is set to be introduced in Season 11, bringing a new Wildlife system to the battle royale. Here’s how the critters will aid you in battle.

Players are already hyped for Apex Legends Season 11, not only because they will be getting a brand new Legend in Ash, but also because a brand new map will be introduced known as Storm Point.

Respawn Entertainment gave us a great look at Storm Point in their recent blog, showing off all the POIs the map has to offer. As well as that, the developers also gave us details on how the Wildlife will work on Storm Point, so here’s everything you need to know.

What is Apex Legends storm Point Wildlife?

Apex Legends ash and rat

Although we’ve seen Wildlife in Apex Legends before, such as the Flyers on Kings Canyon and the Prowlers on World’s Edge, Storm Point is set to take Wildlife to another level.

The Wildlife will be everywhere on Storm Point, so for those interested in the way it will work and also how it can benefit you and the team, here’s all you need to know.

There will be loads of Wildlife on Storm Point, all of which will be located in different areas. Some animals players will be familiar with, others are completely new to the game.

The Wildlife will include:

  • Prowlers
  • Flyers
  • Spiders

Each of these critters will have their own designated locations, which they will not be able to escape from. Since the official map was revealed by Principal Level Designer Rodney Reece on Twitter, we finally got a better understanding of where the Wildlife will be situated on the map.


Prowlers will work similarly to how they have in the past, except this time they will spawn out of their mud mounds and attack players in packs who enter their territory.

Their health is similar to what it is on World’s Edge and players will need to eliminate them all as they spawn to reap the rewards.


apex legends spiders

The Spiders are said to have less health than the Prowlers, but are much faster and also hatch out of eggs as players enter their camp.

Spiders have ranged attacks, so they will be more of an annoyance from far rather than being up in your face.


The Flyers will also work similarly to how we’ve seen them before, as players will need to look to the skies and take them out to gain the rewards from them.

Flyers are spawned individually across the map and their positions are randomly selected from a predetermined list of possible spawn locations each match.

Storm Point Wildlife rewards

Storm Point Wildlife rewards

Wildlife Nests are denoted by the red markers on your minimap. All nests are static and finite, meaning every match they are always in the same place, with the same type of wildlife and only small variations in their numbers.

Wildlife respects their Nests’ boundaries and are aggressive only to trespassers that enter into their domain. Once a Wildlife Nest is cleared, it is removed from the map and your squad can reap the rewards.

Now a bit more on the types of rewards you’ll gain from battling the fauna of Storm Point:

  • Smart Loot Drops: On death, Prowlers and Spiders have a chance to drop attachments and ammo for your squad based on your weapon loadouts, in addition to a few consumables and other goodies.
  • EVO Points: A small percentage of all damage dealt to wildlife is rewarded towards your EVO Armor. This includes Flyers
  • Crafting Materials: Clearing a Nest rewards a lump of crafting materials which are divided evenly among each squad member in the nest at time of completion.
apex legends amount of shields

So, as you can see, the Wildlife in Storm Point will be vital for teams in order to get the best loot and also evolve their shields. Further, for those teams who may have had an awkward start to the game and weren’t able to get the best loot, these camps will definitely help out.

That’s all for Apex legends Storm Point Wildlife, make sure you check out our guide on Shadow Royale.

Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment