Apex Legends Season 14 removes controversial Self-Revive ability

Joseph Pascoulis
apex legends gold knockdown shield

Apex Legends Season 14 is looking to spice things up, as Respawn Entertainment have revealed some pretty major Gold item changes, including the removal of Self-Revive.

Apex Legends Season 13 is coming to an end, and while Newcastle was a hit in the beginning, the pick rates and popularity of the battle royale are proving otherwise.

Respawn are hoping to come back with a bang as Season 14 is set to launch on August 9 with a brand-new character and updates to weapons, Legends, and Kings Canyon.

With that being said, Respawn actually revealed some pretty interesting information regarding Gold items, even choosing to completely remove the Self-Revive ability from the Gold Knockdown Shield.

apex legends gold knockdown shield

Starting in Season 14, the Self-Revive ability on the Gold Knockdown Shield will officially be removed from the game. Instead, the Gold Knockdown will take the Gold Backpack’s Guardian Angel ability, which revives players with half health.

The Gold Backpack will now have a new ability called “Deep Pockets,” which will allow players to stack more meds in their inventory. With the Gold Backpack, players can stack three Medkits and Shield Batteries as opposed to just two, as well as allowing players to stack two Pheonix Kits.

This obviously means that the Self-Revive ability has been completely removed from Apex Legends, which players had been calling for. This should make final fights and end game a lot less confusing when it comes to having multiply Self-Revives in one lobby.

Hopefully, this change is a positive one and leads to the end-game being more fair and rewarding for players. For more on Apex Legends, check out the huge Wingman and Spitfire changes in Season 14.

Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment