Apex Legends Season 15 introduces new cosmetic Stickers

Joseph Pascoulis
apex legends sticker on shield cell

A brand-new cosmetic type is arriving in Apex Legends Season 15, as players will be able to customize healable items like Shield Cells and Syringes with Stickers.

Apex Legends Season 15 is set to be an exciting new update for players, introducing a brand-new Legend in Catalyst, who NICKMERCS thinks could be a “problem,” as well as a fresh BR map in Broken Moon.

While players will have to wait until Season 15 launches on November 1 to get their hands on the new content, we do have details about a new cosmetic item hitting Respawn’s battle royale once Season 15 launches.

There are many cosmetic items available in Apex Legends, with skins, including Prime Gaming bundles, Weapons Charms, Banner Frames, and even Emotes.

With that said, the devs have decided to introduce something new, as Stickers will be coming to Apex Legends in Season 15 and will allow players to customize their healing items for added personalization.

This is precisely the reason the animations for healable items such as Shield Cells and Medkits were changed a few weeks back, as the devs wanted the animation to show off the Stickers that players will be able to place on them in Season 15.

This gives players even more personalization and customization in the game, and it seems these items will be giftable just like any other cosmetic in Apex Legends that can be bought with Apex Coins.

There will be many Stickers available to players in Apex Legends Season 15, and you can choose different Stickers for each individual healing item.

In the Apex Legends Season 15 press meeting, the devs revealed that the Sticker designs are all from Respawn‘s artists and designers, however, it’s possible that we could see some more freedom with Sticker designs in the future.

For more on Apex Legends Season 15, check out how Broken Moon’s design is similar to World’s Edge.

Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment