Apex Legends War Games: release date, skins & more

Joseph Pascoulis
Apex Legends Wargames

Apex Legends have just released official information regarding the new War Games event, including the release date, skins and more.

War Games will be a two-week event held by Mad Maggie, a friend of Fuse whose relationship with the Legend went sour after he left Salvo for the Apex Games.

Much like the previous Chaos Theory Event, War Games will also be an escalation event, meaning it will develop and change every so often.


Modifier Schedule

War Games will feature a variety of unique ways to play the battle royale. These modes have been officially released and include Second Chance, Ultra Zones, Killing Time, Auto Banners, and Armour Regen.

The news presents how the escalation will work, as well as what modes we will be seeing on what days. It seems the modes will be changing every so often, with some modes such as ‘Ultra Zones’ lasting four days. The full schedule is as follows:

  • Second Chance: Tuesday, 4/13 – Thursday, 4/15
  • Ultra Zones: Thursday, 4/15 – Monday, 4/19
  • Auto Banners: Monday, 4/19 – Wednesday, 4/21
  • Killing Time: Wednesday, 4/21 – Friday, 4/23
  • Armor Regen: Friday, 4/23 – Tuesday, 4/27

Players will be familiar with Ultra Zones, which will act similarly to the Ring Flares in Chaos Theory. Some of these other modes like Killing Time, which sees the shortening of ring time every player death, will introduce a fresh and exciting way of playing Apex Legends.

Rewards and Cosmetics

Respawn have also revealed the rewards and cosmetics for this new event. Much like the other events featured previously, players will work their way through a reward system that features weapon charms, skins, and a 30-30 Repeater skin.

These rewards are free, whereas the Legendary re-skins of the Iron Crown event from way back in Season 2 will coast Apex Coins.

Unlike Chaos Theory, it is not a collection event, so don’t expect to see an Heirloom. However, what you can expect is recolors of the Iron Crown skins from Season 2, which have previously been revealed by data miners in the community.

This event features Legendary skins in bundles with weapon skins and potentially charms and other cosmetics. It does also seem that players will be able to buy each individual skin for the Legendary price tag of 1,800 Apex Coins, as well as Revenants Epic skin for 1,000.

Along with these bundles and individual prices, players will also be able to buy all the featured skins in the ‘War Games Bundle’ priced at 6,000 Apex Coins. Although this is a lot of money, the bundle includes six Legendary skins at a discounted price, so if you’re a die-hard cosmetic collector don’t miss out on this sale.

When will War Games Start?

After the delay of the Chinatown Market sale, War Games stands as the next event on the schedule. We can expect to see this new event on April 13th, around 10 am PST and 6 pm GMT.

For continued updates on everything Apex and the upcoming War Games event, stay tuned on Charlie INTEL and our @TitanfallBlog.

Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment

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