Does Apex Legends have fall damage?

Joseph Pascoulis
apex legends octane mid air

Respawn Entertainment’s battle royale has become increasingly popular since its release in 2019, and with new players joining every day, some are wondering whether Apex Legends has fall damage.

Apex Legends has brought a lot of unique and wonderful gameplay features since its release. Not only do all of the Legends offer unique gameplay experiences and mechanics, but the core gameplay also pushes a fast-paced, momentum-based FPS experience.

At the heart of this is the ability to maneuver terrain through climbing and dropping off heights. With that being said, some new players may be wondering whether fall damage exists, so let’s get into it.

mad maggie apex legends

Is there fall damage in Apex Legends?

In Respawn‘s Apex Legends, players can fall from any height and they will not receive fall damage. No matter how high the drop is, trust us, you will not take any hits to your health.

Having said that, it is wise to keep in mind that while there is no fall damage, there is a stun when players drop from heights that exceed around two stories.

So, if you’re trying to escape from enemies and happen to drop from a huge height, consider another route or using a Legend ability, as some actually negate the stun.

apex legends horizon

For example, Horizon’s Space Walk Passive means that she takes no landing stun after dropping from heights, so if you find yourself doing this a lot, perhaps Horizon is the character for you.

Further, Valkyrie’s Jetpack can be used to soften her landing, preventing a landing stun, and both Octane’s Jump Pad and Pathfinder’s Grapple can be used in a similar fashion.

For more Apex Legends guides, check out our piece on how to unlock the Bangalore Prestige Skin.

Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment