How to unlock Apex Commander Bangalore Prestige skin in Apex Legends Gaiden event

Joseph Pascoulis
apex legends bangalore prestige skin

The Apex Legends Gaiden event has brought another Prestige skin to the battle royale. For those interested, here’s how you can unlock the skin and its tiers.

The Apex Legends Gaiden event is bringing brand-new content to Respawn’s battle royale game. From a new set of anime-inspired cosmetics, free rewards, and the Armed and Dangerous LTM, players have a lot to look forward to.

This event will also be bringing the second Prestige Skin to the game for Bangalore, with the previous being for Bloodhound. Here’s everything to know about the skin, including how to unlock it.

apex legends Bangalore prestige skin

How to unlock Bangalore’s Prestige Skin “Apex Commander”

In order to unlock Bangalore’s Prestige skin in the Gaiden event, players must obtain all 40 event-exclusive items.

After obtaining all of these items, players will then unlock the Bangalore “Apex Commander” Prestige Skin and start leveling it up.

Once the event is over, players will be able to unlock the skin in the Mythics tab of the Store. Here players can spend Heirloom Shards to unlock Heirlooms and Prestige Skins.

Bangalore Prestige Skin tiers & challenges

There are three tiers on the Prestige Skin, which players will have to earn by completing challenges. The skin also comes with an exclusive Finisher which will be unlocked once Tier 3 has been unlocked.

When we have more information about the challenges players will need to complete in order to obtain the skin we will update this section.

That’s all for how Apex Legends players can obtain Bangalore’s Prestige Skin in the Gaiden event. For more, check out the leaks which may have revealed the first mobile-exclusive Heirloom.

Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment