Secret Apex Legends Horizon nerf ruins one of her Ult’s most powerful features

Joseph Pascoulis
horizon ultimate in apex legends

Apex Legends’ Horizon has received multiple nerfs in the most recent update, with players discovering a huge change to her Ultimate ability which actually buffs Gibraltar.

The Apex Legends Spellbound Collection Event update dropped with some new content and changes for players, including the return of Control and Private Matches.

In response to the update, many in the community were disappointed with the devs due to their lack of transparency, after Horizon received an unannounced nerf, which has since been reverted after the devs admit it was a mistake.

Unfortunately, Horizon mains will be even more disappointed to find out that yet another nerf has been discovered that the devs did not disclose in the update’s patch notes, which actually buffs Gibraltar.

As well as having less accuracy while shooting enemies on her Gravity Lift, Apex Legends content creator bobz has discovered a nerf to Horizon’s Ultimate ability.

Previously, Horizon’s Black Hole Ultimate in Apex Legends would pull players in even if objects and walls stood in the way. This made the Ultimate very strong and dangerous, as nothing could stop players from being sucked in if they were stuck in its area of effect.

However, bobz has revealed that this aspect of Horizon’s Ultimate has been nerfed after the Spellbound update, as now the Black Hole fails to pull players in if there is a wall in the way.

In fact, what makes this nerf even crazier is that players inside Gibraltar’s Dome Shield no longer get pulled in by the Ultimate, making it an extremely good counter against Horizon.

Horizon has become a popular pick in the game for many seasons now, but it seems the devs have decided to reign in the character’s power. As the devs reverted the previous shadow nerf and announced that changes would come in the future, perhaps this nerf is in the same boat.

With the Apex Legends Spellbound update, dataminers also caught wind of some new updates coming to the game, including another Collection Event and even Heirloom recolors.

image Credits: Respawn Entertainment