This Clever trick makes Valkyrie fly longer in Apex Legends

Hamza Khalid
How to fly longer as Valkyrie

The new Legend Valkyrie is one of the many additions in the Apex Legends Season 9, Legacy update, and there’s a clever trick that you can use to make her soar through the sky for longer than usual.

Apex Legends Legacy brought a ton of new additions for fans to enjoy, including the 3v3 Arenas modenew weapons, a fresh Battle Pass, and of course, a new Legend named Valkyrie

This character brings a certain verticality to the battle royale with her ability to soar through the air for a short period of time. Now, a few players have found a way to use her jetpacks to stay in the air for a longer duration.

Valkyrie's VTOL jets

How to make Valkyrie fly for longer in Apex Legends

This trick was discovered by Reddit user Swogglenoz, who was experimenting with Valkyrie’s jetpacks. Through this, they were able to come up with a way to make her fly much further and longer than normal.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Use Valkyrie’s jetpacks to take off into the sky.
  2. Hold her tactical down while you’re in the air to fly for longer.
  3. Once you’re ready to land, use the melee attack to bring her down.

Using the melee attack will cancel out her deploying the rocket burst tactical, allowing you to land safely. However, you’ll be flying fairly slow, which could leave you vulnerable to enemy attacks.

While some players initially assumed that this might be an exploit, the Apex Legends devs made it clear that this is an intentional tactic. While Valkyrie’s slow speed might come off as useless, this trick is ideal for sneaking up on players.

Valkyrie’s VTOL Jets only allow her to hover across the map within a set amount of fuel, so you’ll need to use this tactic carefully. We recommend saving it for late-game scenarios where it’s easier to be stealthy.

If you want some useful tips and tricks for playing as Valkyrie that will make you into a winged menace on your way to victory, then you can check out or guide for them.