Who is the most popular Apex Legends character? Season 22 pick rates

Joseph Pascoulis
apex legends logo and season 19 art with pick rates title

There are 26 unique Legends to pick from in Apex Legends Season 22, all offering unique skill sets for you to take advantage of, but which character has the highest pick rate?

Let’s take a look at all the current pick rates for every Legend in the game, so you know who’s the most popular.

All Apex Legends character pick rates

8Mad Maggie4.6%

These are the pick rates for all the Legends as of August 16, 2024, according to Apex Legends Status.

Top 5 most picked Legends

5. Revenant – 5.9%

Revenant is one of the most popular Legends in Apex Legends Season 22 with a 5.9% pick rate.

After a rework, Revenant has become one of the most aggressive characters in the game, as Shadow Pounce allows him to capitalize on big damage, while the Forged Shadows Ultimate makes him harder to kill.

His mobility shouldn’t be overlooked either, with increased crouch speed to make him a speedy silent assassin, and climbing that can take you straight to the top of buildings in a matter of seconds.

revenant reborn in apex legends season 18 reveal trailer
Revenant leaps into fifth.

4. Octane – 6.5%

With a 6.5% pick rate, the speed demon Octane has taken the number four spot. Aside from his amusing quips, he is the perfect balance of offense and defense.

Despite being regarded as an offensive Legend, Octane can greatly increase his sprint speed which I find useful for attacking and retreating. But most Octane users thrive on his Launch Pad Ultimate, a great tool for rotating and getting into fights quickly.

apex legends octane
Octane bounces into number four.

3. Bangalore – 6.6%

With a 6.6% pick rate, Bangalore is the third most popular character in Season 22.

Bangalore’s smoke allows her to be a versatile pick, as you can use it for defense cover, or aggressive plays when you need to rush teams down or block off lines of sight for an advantage. Then, to top it off, her Ultimate can be used in much of the same way, and it’s great for crowd control in final circles.

bangalore aiming down scope in apex legends mobile
Bangalore has shot straight to number three.

2. Lifeline – 8.5%

Lifeline claims the second spot with an 8.5% pick rate. This support Legend is by far the best at reviving teammates. Her D.O.C. drone does all the work, allowing her to stay in the fight and provide some protection.

She’s a true combat medic, so it’s no surprise to see her in the top three.

apex legends lifeline
Rushing into second place is Lifeline.

Pathfinder is currently sitting in first place as the most popular character in Apex Legends with an 11.7% pick rate.

As a Skirmisher class, Pathfinder simply excels in movements and traversing the game’s various maps. His Grappling Hook and Zipline Gun are invaluable assets that will help any team in a pinch – either because of the circle or a third-party situation.

apex legends pathfinder with thumbs up
Pathfinder swings his way to number one.

Who is the least-used Legend in Apex?

Gibraltar is currently the least-picked Legend with 1%, despite having a strong kit that can be very helpful for reviving teammates and surviving in final circle situations.

As always, buffs and nerfs will come and go throughout the season, altering the game’s meta, and subsequently, Legend pick rates. So, be sure to check this guide every now and then to be ahead of the competition.

On top of picking the most popular characters, you’ll also want to know the best guns to use, as well as how to find your perfect sensitivity.