Cold War Zombies Forsaken map to have playable arcade in Season 6

Andrew Highton
arcade in zombies in spaceland

Reputable website COD Tracker has outed a playable arcade for the new Forsaken Zombies map in Black Ops Cold War Season 6. Its existence has been identified by a specific Forsaken Calling Card.

It appears that another fully playable arcade is all set to appear in Treyarch’s new Forsaken Zombies map in Cold War.

It’s the Zombies follow-up that many Call of Duty Zombies fans have wanted since Infinite Warfare and is set to drop with the launch of Season 6.

player fighting players in arcade in zombies in spaceland

The bulk of round-based Zombie warfare revolves around fending off wave after wave of unrelenting, undead forces trying to end you.

But 2016’s wacky ‘Zombies in Spaceland’ map, found in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, was a drastic change of pace from the more serious nature of most Zombies maps.

One of its standout features was a series of interactable mini-games that players could take part in, including a shooting gallery rollercoaster and a fully playable arcade.

Now, Black Ops Cold War looks set to reintroduce the arcade element and incentivize players to do so with a free Calling Card. Found by COD Tracker, the condition for the Calling Card suggests that players will be partaking in fun, carnival games once more.

Just like in Zombies in Spaceland, Forsaken looks to be encouraging players to take a break from the zombie-slaying and go and have some fun with casual games.

Treyarch revealed a whole bunch of stuff regarding Cold War and Warzone Season 6, so be sure to check out the full Roadmap covering all the incoming content.

Image Credit: Activision / Treyarch / Infinity Ward