Executions & Weapon Inspection to return in Black Ops Cold War

Keshav Bhat

Activision has confirmed that both execution feature and weapon inspection feature will be returning in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War.

Fans were wondering about these features since it was not shown in the Alpha build that was played by us and streamers over the last week.

Executions were heavily used in Modern Warfare and Warzone, as new executions were tied to different Operators.

Here’s a look at some of the executions from Modern Warfare, thanks to InkSlasher:

In addition, Activision has confirmed that gun inspection will also be in Black Ops Cold War.

Modern Warfare did not have that feature at launch, but it was added in the recent seasons to the game. Weapon inspection allows fans to press and hold a certain button to get a closer look at their weapon in-game.

Learn more about Black Ops Cold War MP by checking out our category page.