New Black Ops Cold War Zombies teasers found

Keshav Bhat

Zombies fans, strap in…

The PawnTakesPawn site continues to provide some exciting updates as we work towards the reveal of the Black Ops Cold War Zombies reveal.

Earlier this week, content creators received a package that led them to new PawnTakesPawn URL sites, which continued to unlock more secrets each day of the week.

Now, on Friday, Sept. 25, the easter egg hunt has led to a new URL site that showcases three new images of Black Ops Cold War’s Zombies mode.

Here’s the new images of Zombies, found on this site:

The next step of the Zombies Teaser is set to continue on September 28 at 12PM ET, per the PawnTakesPawn.

Here’s the site to go for this, where two more codes will be needed to unlock the next step of secrets.

This is the second teaser for Black Ops Cold War Zombies. The first was a 10 second video shown at the end of the MP Reveal trailer back on September 9.