Call of Duty World League Pro Division Stage 1 Relegation/Finals dates announced

Keshav Bhat

During this week’s eSports Weekly Show, Activision has announced the dates for when the finals of the Call of Duty World League Pro Division Stage 1 will take place. The finals/relegations take place during different weekends in each region.

Here are the dates:

  • North America:
    • Relegation: April 1st
    • Finals: April 2nd-3rd
  • Europe
    • Relegation: March 25th
    • Finals: March 26th – March 27th
  • Australia / New Zealand
    • Relegation: March 18th
    • Finals: March 19th – March 20th

The relegation event will be where the bottom teams in the Pro Division will face off against the top placing Challenge Division teams to see which team will compete in Stage 1. The other two days of the weekends will be the finals of Stage 1.

Stay tuned for the latest Call of Duty World League news.