Watch the Call of Duty World League matches directly from within Black Ops 3’s menu

Keshav Bhat

Players are now able to starting watching Call of Duty World League matches live directly from the Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 game menu on PlayStation 4.

In order to access the in-game player, launch the game and enter the multiplayer menu. At the top left of the screen, there should be message of the days; press L1/R1 to find the Call of Duty World League message, and press Square to start watching the matches directly from the menu.

Here a video of how it works, via @AxeeeLxX:

This is the Live Event in-game viewer, which was announced for Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 back at gamescom during Treyarch’s eSports reveal show.

It’s not clear yet if Treyarch will bring this to Xbox One and PC. We will update as we learn more.