Bizarre Vanguard glitch is making players spontaneously combust

Hamza Khalid
Operators around fire in Vanguard

A bizarre new glitch has appeared in Vanguard Season 3 Reloaded, causing players to randomly burst into flames in the middle of a match.

The Vanguard community has seen its fair share of different bugs and glitches that have bizarre effects on their gameplay experience, such as turning players into Spider-man or causing them to punch themselves in the face.

Now, another problem has presented itself following the arrival of the Season 3 Reloaded update, as a strange glitch is causing Vanguard players to spontaneously catch on fire during battles.

Windmill on fire in Vanguard

Reddit user ‘r/Sleepy’ highlighted this glitch in a clip posted in the Vanguard subreddit. It shows the player securing multiple kills while running around the map, only to combust into flames seemingly at random.

The kill cam in the clip showed that there was no explosive around them when they caught on fire, so it was extremely confusing why this happened. The Redditor jokingly asked if they’d been hit by an “invisible Molotov.”

Many of the commenters found this glitch amusing as well, with one user sarcastically writing: “Just a little spontaneous combustion.” Another player added: “Pardon me while I burst into flames.”

These types of glitches tend to pop up whenever the developers implement a major update in Vanguard, and a fix for them often arrives through another update once it becomes a major issue.

It’s unclear what exactly caused this glitch to occur, and it doesn’t seem to be a widespread issue at the time of writing. For that reason, it remains to be seen whether or not Sledgehammer Games will investigate the matter.

For more Vanguard content, check out the best H4 Blixen loadout for Vanguard Season 3 Reloaded as well as why Vanguard players are furious with a lack of content in Season 3 Reloaded.

Image credits: Sledgehammer Games