Life-saving Bombing Run tip every Vanguard player needs to know

Luca Di Marzo
Bombing Run tip Vanguard

There’s a simple method to countering the Bombing Run, one of the most notorious killstreaks in Vanguard.

Vanguard players have the luxury of choosing between a varied selection of killstreaks. The Bombing Run has attracted a ton of attention for its tendency to kill friendly players. It’s extremely common for players to get caught in their own Bombing Run.

Despite its inclination to eliminate friendly players, it can prove extremely useful against enemy players. This is how it works, “Allied bombers make three passes, bombarding areas with high concentrations of enemies.” If you’re playing on a small map with minimal cover, the Bombing Run can wreak havoc and produce multi-kills.

How to destroy Bombing Runs

Bombing Run killstreak in Vanguard killstreak selection screen.

There’s an evident risk/reward aspect that is synonymous with the killstreak in question. However, players have discovered an interesting method to avoid getting caught in one or all three of the blasts. 

Very few players know that the Bombing Run bombers are extremely easy to spot in the sky. In addition, these planes are incredibly weak. Getting these planes down early can save you and your team from annihilation. 

Keep an eye out for enemy Bombing Run planes in the sky. All it takes is 5-6 bullets from an Assault Rifle to take them down. You can also pay attention to the in-game audio queues that provide information related to enemy killstreaks.

5-6 bullets is a small effort to pay in order to save your team from suffering death by bombardment. Keep in mind, you’ll be looking for three separate planes that pass one after another.

If you haven’t already tested it out for yourself, the Bombing Run killstreak is available to equip at Level 5 and is one of the most used 7 kill rewards in Vanguard.

Considering Attack Dogs are notoriously difficult to take down, it’s strange to see an aircraft require fewer bullets to destroy. Several players have complained about how difficult it is to take enemy dogs down. Don’t forget, most of the Attack Dogs in Vanguard can fly. 

Image Credits: Activision / Sledgehammer Games