Best Marksman Rifles in Warzone Season 4 Reloaded

Joseph Pascoulis
Operator holding Kar98k

While the most popular category for long-range combat in Warzone is usually the Sniper Rifles, the return of the Kar98k put the spotlight on Marksman Rifles, which can deliver substantial damage in Season 4 Reloaded.

To help you pick the best one, we’ve compiled a ranked list including all of them, alongside an explanation of each one.

All Warzone Marksman Rifles ranked

  1. Kar98k
  2. KVD Enforcer
  3. Lockwood MK2
  4. DM56
  5. MCW 6.8
  6. Crossbow
  7. MTZ Interceptor
  8. Tempus Torrent
  9. SP-R 208
  10. EBR-14
  11. TAQ-M
  12. LM-S
  13. SA-B 50

Warzone has 13 Marksman Rifles to choose from, all providing a different option with varying stats.

Rankings explained

13. SA-B 50

SA-B 50 MW2

Although classified as a Marksman Rifle, the SA-B 50 feels like a Sniper but is hardly underpowered. Even with the best attachments, it lacks the damage and range needed to compete with other options in Warzone, causing it to be largely ignored.

12. LM-S

LM-S in Warzone

Once a two-tap beast, the LM-S has fallen in the rankings due to all the buffs and nerfs that have made MW3’s weapons more powerful options with superior stats compared to the MW2 roster.

Despite its viable damage, low recoil, and good ammo capacity, the LM-S lacks the capabilities to secure a top-tier position.

11. TAQ-M

Following occasional surprise buffs, the TAQ-M used to be a powerhouse, capable of destroying enemies with just three shots. However, since Warzone and MW3’s integration, the weapon has been neglected, lacking the characteristics needed to excel in mid to long-range combat.

10. EBR-14

ebr 14 in cod warzone 2

Although it sometimes manages to sneak into the top thanks to the fluctuating seasonal buffs and nerfs, the EBR-14 hasn’t been a viable option in Warzone due to its slow fire rate given its semi-automatic nature.

Additionally, its damage isn’t competitive enough to compete with other meta picks. To perform better, this weapon should receive significant changes – like a substantial buff to its damage – which is almost impossible given that it’s part of MW2’s gun roster.

9. SP-R 208

sp-r 208 sniper rifle in warzone 2

If it weren’t for the Kar98k and its enormous popularity, the SP-R 208 could be a great choice for players looking for a speedy rifle featuring Sniper qualities.

This bolt-action rifle features great mobility, ease of use, and range that allows it to take down enemies from mid to long-range. However, compared to other options in the category, its damage is not competitive enough to be popular.

8. Tempus Torrent

Tempus Torrent in Warzone 2

Although it doesn’t stand out enough, the Tempus Torrent has been a popular choice for those players who enjoy high-risk high-reward guns – resembling the game’s most hated DMR meta veteran players will surely remember.

This weapon has high damage and low recoil, something that is characteristic of the category, and with the possibility of equipping a 50-round magazine, it becomes a strong pick in the game.

7. MTZ Interceptor

MTZ Interceptor in Warzone
The MTZ Interceptor used to be Warzone’s most dominant weapon.

Once the most popular and powerful weapon in the game’s first season, several massive nerfs pushed down the MTZ Interceptor, without being able to outperform many of its MW3 counterparts ever since.

During the first season, this weapon could take down enemies with just a few shots, thanks to its outstanding damage, range, and low recoil. However, this weapon is still viable if you’re looking to try out different options.

6. Crossbow

warzone crossbow with logo

Challenging to use but extremely rewarding, the Crossbow achieves a relatively high spot in the best MRs list compared to previous Warzone seasons.

While it requires incredible precision to take advantage of its high damage and range, when equipped with its best attachments, including explosive ammunition, this weapon will allow you to down enemies at mid to long ranges with ease.

5. MCW 6.8

MCW 6.8 Warzone
The MCW 6.8 will feel like a balanced version of the classic DMR in Warzone.

The semi-automatic iteration of the popular ACR, the MCW 6.8 Marksman Rifle, combines firepower with enhanced comfort, boasting minimal recoil, ideal for engagements from mid to long ranges in Warzone.

While it may not outclass its competitors, the MCW 6.8 stands as an effective alternative for players seeking a challenging pick.

4. DM56

DM56 and Warzone logo
The DM56 is the perfect alternative if you’re looking for extra damage and range.

Despite not being as popular as other Rifles on the list, the DM56 semi-automatic Marksman Rifle has managed to earn a top spot given its ease of use and high damage.

While this gun can achieve three-shot kills, it has been outperformed by several counterparts with a slightly better TTK. However, the weapon has demonstrated versatility, achieving incredible results at both mid to long ranges in the game.

3. Lockwood MK2

lockwood mk2 with warzone logo
The Lockwood MK2 remains a popular pick thanks to its Aftermarket Part.

Despite it usually going under the radar, the Lockwood MK2 received the brand-new JAK Wardens Aftermarket Part which turns the gun into the classic Model 1887 from the original MW2, making it an excellent pick in close-range fights.

While it feels more like a Shotgun with its AMP equipped, the same powerful qualities veteran players will remember from 2009’s MW2 can be felt with the Lockwood Mk2 in Warzone.

2. KVD Enforcer

KVD Enforcer Warzone logo
The KVD Enforcer has great damage and low recoil.

The KVD Enforcer has moved up the list due to its ease of use and great damage. Despite being a semi-automatic weapon, this Marksman Rifle easily kills enemies all over Urzikstan, Fortune’s Keep, and Rebirth Island.

The sheer damage combined with great range, handling, and recoil control makes the KVD Enforcer an outstanding mid to long-range pick.

Best Marksman Rifle in Warzone

kar98k with warzone logo
The Kar98k is the best Marksman Rifle in Warzone Season 4 Reloaded.

Despite damage modifier nerfs with the July 2 update, the Kar98k still has taken over the Marksman Rifle category as the best pick for players. Like its original version, this weapon has excellent mobility, damage, and range, allowing players to easily one-shot enemies across Urzikstan and Rebirth Island.

Additionally, by equipping the best attachments, you can further improve its range allowing you to cover almost every long-distance fight and emerge victorious. If you’re looking for a powerful weapon to use against Sniper Rifles, the Kar98k should definitely be your pick.

Be sure to complement your pick with the best controller and audio settings to dominate any map or mode you choose to play within the battle royale.