Call of Duty app sends notification teasing upcoming Warzone event

Keshav Bhat

The Call of Duty app has sent out a notification teasing an upcoming Call of Duty: Warzone related event.

The notification, which was sent to users who have the Call of Duty app downloaded on their devices, suggests some sort of threat to the world of Warzone.

It says “timing of meeting unknown – suspected for 21 MAY” which suggests some sort of event is happening in Warzone on Thursday, May 21! It says “location to be confirmed…” so something is going down in Verdansk.

Here’s the notification:

This week has been a fascinating week in the Call of Duty: Warzone world, with new Bunkers opening up through key cards and phone lines, alongside users discovering Nukes, and more.

Stay tuned…the story in Warzone is about to take a turn.