How to unlock Rook LMG & Serac Blueprint in Warzone Season 2

Andrew Highton
cod warzone season 2 rook lmg serac

Warzone Season 2 contains two secret weapons – the Rook LMG & the Serac – so find out how you can equip these rare blueprints in CoD.

The already staggering collection of guns that Warzone contains has effectively been boosted thanks to secret addition new weapons in Season 2. Blueprints are not uncommon in Call of Duty with Warzone having a history with them.

They haven’t always been to the benefit of CoD, however, particularly with game-breaking ones such as the overpowered MAC-10 and HDR blueprints. Conversely, the game has even had blueprints that negatively impacted performance such as the wonky Bullfrog blueprint.

Our new Rook LMG and Serac blueprints are definitely not wonky, and they could go even go as far as to be the best weapons in Warzone Season 2.

cod warzone season 2 rook lmg

These desirable skins are variations of the Raal LMG and the CX-9 which have both been officially added during the game’s latest drop of content.

Here is how to get your hands on both of them.

How to get the Rook LMG blueprint in Warzone Season 2

However, the only known way to get a hold of the new Rook LMG blueprint is to find it as ground loot during a game of Call of Duty’s battle royale.

You basically have to get very lucky and hope that a loot chest smiles kindly upon you. You can’t customize it or anything like that just yet, and Activision will probably add the official blueprint later on in the Season.

Reddit user Remy363 shared a video of their own time with the Rook LMG blueprint and said: “Yeah haha it melts. I dropped 11 kills with it first game I found it and won the match lol.”

The weapon’s drop-off in accuracy seems to be greatly reduced and it seems like a potent killing machine in Warzone.

How to get the Serac blueprint in Warzone Season 2

Again, just like the Rook LMG, the Serac’s blueprint is tied exclusively to ground loot in Warzone sadly. It’s extremely effective and is absolutely worth scouring the map for in the hopes of landing yourself the gun.

One post on Reddit discussed the destructiveness of the weapon saying: “Pretty sure this thing will be the new meta, as it has basically no recoil and smashes through people like a chainsaw.”

The unreal power of the new weaponry naturally begs the question of how long they will remain in this state before they possibly get nerfed.

Given that both weapons are only a random drop right now and consequently not a widespread issue, it’s likely they will remain untouched for some time.

Image credits: Activision