Modern Warfare and Warzone April 30 Update: Bounties Return

Keshav Bhat

Infinity Ward has released a new game settings update for Modern Warfare and Warzone on PS4, Xbox One, and PC to fix some bugs across the game.

The new playlist update has also removed Most Wanted Contracts and added back in Regular Bounty contracts in Warzone.

Here’s the full list of changes:

Playlist Update

  • Fix for Gunsmith Custom loadouts not appearing in matches
  • Removing Most Wanted Contracts from Warzone and adding Bounty Contracts back
  • Adjusting the timer from 10 to 15 seconds in 3v3 Cranked Gunfight
  • Adjusting out of bounds timer in Infected
  • Adjusting the match start timer in Infected so players can join before the Infected countdown ends.
  • Fix for a bug where players could get stuck during the infil while loading into a BR match

SOURCE: Infinity Ward