Warzone Pacific Season 2 will bring major Gas mask animation change

Hamza Khalid
Gas mask in Warzone Pacific

Raven Software are bringing a major change to Warzone Pacific’s gas mask animations in Season 2 so that they no longer interrupt players during intense gunfights.

Warzone Pacific Season 2 is set to bring a variety of exciting new content for players to enjoy, including new vehicles like Bomber Planes and Armored Tanks, as well as some map changes for Caldera.

Another major change in the new season update will be to Warzone’s gas mask animations which had been putting players at a serious disadvantage during combat and costing them victories.

Warzone Pacific operator using gas mask

When you hop outside the safe zone during a Warzone match, you can get killed by the poison gas that surrounds the map. The best way to prevent this from happening is to equip a gas mask.

Unfortunately, doing this will trigger an animation that shows you putting on or taking off the gas mask, and this interruption can leave you vulnerable to enemies who will have the opportunity to you gun you down.

Now, a major change will arrive in Warzone Pacific Season 2 to ensure that the gas mask animation will no longer trigger if you’re aiming down your sights, preventing it from interrupting you in combat.

Since the safe zone shrinks as the match goes on, you might find yourself in the poison gas more frequently, which is why players had been asking for a change to the gas mask animation for a while.

Hopefully, the Season 2 update will also bring fixes for other issues like the game-breaking glitches, as the new season was delayed to address some of the most pressing issues in Warzone Pacific.

For more Warzone content, check out the Warzone Pacific Season 2 Roadmap as well as our article on Warzone’s unclimbable rocks that are still costing players wins in Caldera.

Image Credit: Activision