Action FX App reveals Live-Action Black Ops 2 Trailer “CLAW” coming Oct. 29th

Victor has just revealed a live-action Black Ops 2 trailer is coming a week from monday via an iPhone app called “Action FX”.

You can download the app HERE.

“Add Hollywood FX from Call of Duty®: Black Ops 2 near-future weapons to your iPhone® and iPad® videos! Instantly use the Hellstorm Missile and the EMP with Escort Drone crash. To unlock the Dragonfire Drones, scan any Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 artwork or share the app on Facebook or Twitter. On October 29th, you can unlock the CLAW by simply watching the trailer inside the app.”

The updated app has the EMP and Hell storm unlocked. To get the Quadrotor effect, all you have to do is share the app on Facebook or Twiter, or scan a Black Ops 2 logo within the app!

Check after the break for previews of each effect!