Black Ops 3’s Gunsmith feature only allows cosmetic modifications to weapons, no stat mods allowed

Keshav Bhat

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 introduces an all new Gunsmith feature which will allow fans to customize and modfiy weapons to be more personal then ever before. The Gunsmith allows players to add camos (which are pre-set, designed by Treyarch), paint jobs (which allows players to create their own looks for weapons) from the Paintshop, and attachments. For attachments, new attachment variants exist which allow fans to modify looks of attachments; the attachment variants are unlocked within multiplayer progression. 

David Vonderhaar has confirmed that these modifications are only cosmetic. Unlike Advanced Warfare’s extensive supply drop system with variants, there’s no variants of weapons fans can create that can modify stats. Treyarch has already confirmed that Supply Drops won’t be returning in Black Ops 3. In Black Ops 3, players will be able to design their weapons, name it whatever they’d like, and push it into their Create-A-Class system. Vahn stated that the weapons will appear in Create-A-Class similarly to how variants appear in Advanced Warfare’s create-a-class system, but not exactly the same. He stated the UI/UX is different.

More details on how all multiplayer features work will be revealed soon…Activision has already confirmed Black Ops 3 multiplayer will be playable at E3.