Black Ops 6’s slow TTK could make snipers insanely OP
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A Call of Duty expert has taken a deep dive into the Black Ops 6‘s showcase to try and identify how fast the game’s time to kill will be, and found that it could be one of the slowest in the series to date.
Popular YouTuber TheXclusiveAce attempted to calculate BO6’s TTK by analyzing numerous clips from the Xbox Showcase back in June 2024.
They were able to identify a rough RPM and TTK for three weapons that were shown in the gameplay showcase – The Ames 85 Assault Rifle, AR 10 LMG, and SIG SG 542 burst rifle.These weapon names have not been confirmed, but they were shown in the gameplay reveal so we expect to see them at launch.
According to TheXclusiveAce, the Ames 85 will have an RPM of 750 and after analyzing “a bunch of different clips,” they claim it will be five shots to the body and have a TTK of around 320ms.
Using similar analysis, the YouTuber worked out that the AR 10 will have a TTK of around 215ms and the SIG SG 542’s will sit at about 217ms.
This is just a rough indication of BO6’s TTK based on clips from the showcase. The time to kill may change from pre-launch to launch, so there’s no telling how accurate these numbers are.
That said, it does give an interesting insight into the TTK for pre-launch, as it seems Treyarch are going for a slower time to kill. The content creator compared these values across other Call of Duty titles in a chart, and they found that Black Ops 6 could have one of the slowest in franchise history.
The numbers sit in line with the TTKs seen in BOCW. TheXclusiveAce said, “It does appear our time to kill potential in Black Ops 6 is probably going to be pretty similar to Black Ops Cold War.”
This could also be big for snipers in BO6, as the devs have already confirmed that they will all be one shot so long as you hit the torso or above. While there will be some balancing in terms of fire rate and recoil, if it’s anything like Cold War, snipers will be OP when you take the longer TTK for other weapon categories into consideration.
It’s important to note that these numbers were calculated using a very small sample size, so there’s a chance that the TTK averages will be very different once all the weapons in each category are tested.
We’ll get a much better idea of the TTK in BO6 at CoD Next and once players get their hands on the beta, which players can access early if they pre-order.