Infinite Warfare’s reveal trailer is now the most liked and most disliked COD reveal trailer

Keshav Bhat

Things keep getting interesting with Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare’s reveal trailer ratings on YouTube.

As of this writing, the Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare reveal trailer now has the most likes and most dislikes out of any Call of Duty reveal trailer before it. The previous trailer to hold the record was Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, which had just over 400k; Infinite Warfare’s trailer now has 420k+.

More news on Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is expected at E3, including the gameplay reveal. E3 starts June 13 with press conferences, and we can expect the gameplay reveal to take place during Sony PlayStation’s E3 conference; the PlayStation conference is June 13 at 6PM PT. We have a handy countdown timer in our sidebar!

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