Call of Duty: WWII on Xbox One is 45.14GB download, players can now pre-load the game

Keshav Bhat

Microsoft has updated the Call of Duty: WWII product page on the Xbox One Store to confirm that the game will be a 45.14GB download for those who purchase the title digitally on Xbox One.

Pre-loading of Call of Duty: WWII has also begun on Xbox One. Many users who have pre-ordered the title digitally on the Xbox One store are now seeing the game start to update and download ahead of the November 3 launch. Be sure to check your Games & Library section on your Xbox One console if you pre-ordered digitally to confirm the pre-load has begun.

PS4 players will be able to start pre-loading on either October 31 or November 1. The date varies based upon your region. PC players, stay tuned for more information.

SOURCE: Xbox Store (image via @LordDefonator)