Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 digital preorders returns to the Xbox One store – UPDATE

Keshav Bhat

UPDATE – October 16th: Polygon reached out to Microsoft for a statement, and Microsoft responded stating that they do “not comment on the specific terms of our arrangements with any our publishing partners, however Call of Duty: Black Ops III is now available again for digital pre-order from the Xbox Store in two versions — the Digital Edition and the Digital Deluxe Edition.”


Last week, Microsoft removed Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 digital preorders from the Xbox One store without a proper reason, but today it appears the title is back up on the store for digital preorders.

As of now, the Xbox One Store is now accepting preorders for both the standard edition and the Digital Deluxe Edition. The description for the game still says “Available at your local retailer for preorder,” but the “Bundle Only” button is gone and “Preorder for Xbox One” button with the official price is back.

If you’re interested in pre-ordering, you can visit the Xbox One store on your console or

For pre-loading, many users that have already preordered have stated that they have been able to preload the title. The game is a 44.9GB download on Xbox One.