Call of Duty World League for Black Ops 2 announced

Keshav Bhat

The Call of Duty World League’s mini site on ELITE has just launched and is a new feature for Black Ops 2. The World is League is based off of League play, which allows you to compete for rank in skill based ladders. You can compete solo or as a team to see how you match up with Call of Duty players around the world.

Leagues are played in Series, each with its own rulesets and game types. Initially, there will be two Series. Your rank is specific to each one, so if you play in both, you will establish a separate rank for each Series.

There are currently two series available for League:

  • Champions Series
    • A mix of objective game modes that use competitive rules.
    • Format: 4v4
    • Ranks: Team and Solo
    • Special Rules: No Care Package. No Tactical Insertions.
  • Moshpit Series
    • A mix of Team Deathmatch and objective game modes that use standard rules.
    • Format: 6v6
    • Ranks: Solo

There are six divisions in League Play:

Masters: top 2% of the active population.

Platinum: next 18%.

Gold: next 20%.

Silver: next 20%.

Bronze: next 20%.

Bronze: bottom 20%.

League play also features Seasons and Preseason:

League Play is broken up into Seasons, each lasting approximately thirty calendar days. At the end of a Season, there will be a brief window of time before the next Season starts. This period of time is known as Preseason. During Preseason, we are finalizing results of the previous Season as well as adjusting the game rules and map rotations as necessary. You can play and practice during Preseason, but these games won’t count for League Ladders. The current Season and how much time remains in it will be displayed to you in-game.

The first season begins on December 1st, 2012!