Vonderhaar says connection is priority in matchmaking in Black Ops 3
Over the last 24 hours, many users have been claiming (without any actual evidence) that Treyarch introduced Skill Based Matchmaking into Black Ops 3. Shortly thereafter, many users then claimed a following update reverted matchmaking back to usual.
However, today, Vonderhaar has tweeted stating that they did not just “introduce anything” and that “connection is king and continues to be so.”
Anything for subs and views. We didn’t just introduce anything. Connection is king and continues to be so. Period. End of conversation.
— David Vonderhaar (@DavidVonderhaar) December 20, 2015
Following this tweet, Vonderhaar has followed up with a few more stating that a tweak was implemented in the December 18th’s Hot Fix, but they did not understand its effects fully, and since reverted it back.
We did tune matchmaking. It was tweaked. I said as much on Friday as I try to do whenever we hotfix the game. +
— David Vonderhaar (@DavidVonderhaar) December 20, 2015
It did come with consequences we didn’t understand in totality. We also un-tweaked it the following day, until we can investigate. +
— David Vonderhaar (@DavidVonderhaar) December 20, 2015
What we didn’t do is “turn on” or implement anything new that would deliberately prioritize any criteria over connection. And we won’t.
— David Vonderhaar (@DavidVonderhaar) December 20, 2015
We’ll update if anything more changes regarding matchmaking…