Jungle Flooded map for Black Ops 4 set to arrive in mid-September update

Keshav Bhat

One piece of content for Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 that was part of the roadmap for Operation Apocalypse Z is a weather variant of the map Jungle called Jungle Flooded, but the map has yet to arrive in-game, a month and a half after the Operation’s launch.

Treyarch has now stated that the map is set to arrive in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 with an update planned in mid-September during the current Operation Apocalypse Z.

If this update is only planned for mid-September, then it’s likely that the next Operation for the game will only deploy in late September for the game – a little close to the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare launch. The in-game countdown timer for the Operation Apocalypse Z Survivor says it ends on Monday, September 23, which points to a Tuesday, Sept. 24 launch for the new Operation, pending any changes.

There is the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Open Beta happening for two weekends in September (Sept. 12-16 and Sept. 19-23), so Treyarch could be holding the final Operation’s launch till after the Beta weekends end for the game.

We’ll update as we learn more.

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