New Game Settings Update for BO3 (v. 33.12.15): S&D XP changed to 500, bug fixes, and more

Keshav Bhat

Treyarch has released a new Game Settings Update for Black Ops 3 on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Game Settings update work as a hot fix. When a new Game Settings Update goes live, you will see a pop up showing that you have to download something within the game – not a full patch update.

Version number should be (last number may vary by platform).

Here’s the following that has changed, which was announced on The Race stream:

  • Spawn changes in FFA and Gun Game
  • Arena mode:
    • Banned items that should be restricted will still be restricted, but attachments are not working. Needs a patch for that.
    • Anti-Up issue has been fixed
  • Issues with some challenges have been fixed
  • Bad ADS views with kill counter and/or clan tags put on weapon have been fixed
  • Increased the amount of score you get in Search & Destroy. Match bonus was only being displayed, but you were actually getting full amount. Full number should be showed now.
  • XP earned per kill in Search and Destroy has increased from  250 to 500.
  • Zombies: fixed issue where solo games were joinable

Treyarch has stated that they won’t be issuing patch notes for all of the Game Settings Updates, as many are minor and are back end stuff. They are committed to bringing more fixes. Vahn says to count on a lot of version changes.

Vahn said its too early for weapon changes, but they have heard feedback about weapons, including the Gorgon LMG. They will announce details when they have info on their plans for future updates.