New patch for Advanced Warfare now live on XB1/PC/PS4; connectivity optimization & General bugs fixed

Keshav Bhat

Sledgehammer Games has released a new patch for PC, PS4, and Xbox One players for Advanced Warfare. This patch is a different one released earlier this week for PC, but for PS4 and Xbox One, it included some of the earlier features plus the items listed below. For other X360/PS3 players, theres not time frame yet for when today’s new PC patch will release. We’ll update as we learn more.

Patch notes:

  • Connectivity optimization for game servers.
  • General Bug fixes and rare crash bugs.

For console players, the update that released earlier this week on PC was broken up into two separate updates. The full update is live on PS4 and Xbox One, but still pending for Xbox 360 and PS3; stay tuned to our post here for when part 2 of the earlier update will go live.