New @TheUnMarkedMan and @JaxiPlanet Twitter accounts appear, tease new details
Two new Twitter accounts that seem to be related to Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 seems to be teasing some details surrounding the title. @TheUnMarkedMan is being followed by @Treyarch, which seems to confirm it’s connection to Black Ops 3.
Right after the new Black Ops 2 Message of the Day went live on April 20th, @TheUnMarkedMan tweeted out similar message and updated their header to that of the Message of the Day image (but in higher res).
No…listen to the sound of MY voice.
— TheUnmarkedMan (@TheUnmarkedMan) April 20, 2015
In the header image, there appears to be morse code listed, but its unclear exactly what the morse code is referring too. Today, an all new @JaziPlanet account has appeared (which was linked via TheUnMarkedMan); the account links to a soundcloud clip that has 58 seconds clip.
“Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers” — Jaxiplanet (@Jaxiplanet) April 23, 2015
In the audio clip above, users have found a hidden message within the file, as seen below (via @LiamFTWinter):
We’ve reached out to Activision to confirm if the accounts are linked to Treyarch or Black Ops 3 marketing but are still awaiting a response. We’ll let you know if we hear more..