RUMOR: Hidden weapons and references to loot found in Modern Warfare Remastered files
According to a user post on Reddit, Modern Warfare Remastered currently has many weapons inside of its files that are locked to players.
Some of the weapons found are a melee Shovel, and others are weapons in previous Call of Duty titles.
In addition, users who have been searching through Modern Warfare Remastered files have found references to a ‘dealer’ in game, with similar coding to the Black Ops 3 Black Market. This could suggest possible Supply Drop system for Modern Warfare Remastered, but its unclear if this code is just leftover from testing.
Additional files make reference to loots for customization and weapons. One says ‘mainbody_loot,’ suggesting character customization could come down the line in the title.
Again, all of this could just be testing code and may never been released.
SOURCE: u/Semyel