Treyarch is changing how players will be accessing DLC packs starting with Awakening DLC

Keshav Bhat

Activision Support has provided new details on how players will be able to access the new Awakening DLC pack for Black Ops 3 on February 2nd on PS4.

In previous Call of Duty titles, players had to access either their platform’s store or the in game store to download the new DLC packs. However, for Black Ops 3, Treyarch is bundling the DLC content packs within the patch update that will release on February 2nd on PS4.

With this, players that have purchased the Season Pass — or if you’ve bought the DLC separately on the PS4 Store — (once players have downloaded the new patch) players visit the in game store, select ‘Map Packs,’ and just have to activate the Awakening DLC. Once it has been activated, players can immediately start playing with the new content. There’s no separate download beside the patch update.

According to Activision Support’s article, since the DLC is being bundled into a patch, the new patch launching on Feb 2nd on PS4 will be a 9.1GB download for all players — regardless of if you’re buying the DLC or not. The patch will contain bug fixes and more updates for all players, in addition to including the Awakening DLC content.

The patch update for PS4 is expected to launch on February 2nd at midday Pacific Time. The Activision Support article does not state whether or not a patch will also be available on other platforms at this time. PS4 gamers get Call of Duty DLC packs 30 days early.

If you plan on buying Awakening DLC after downloading the February 2nd update on PS4, you may need to restart your console in order for the content to be activated via the in-game store.

We will provide updates on February 2nd with the patch notes for the new update and more information. Stay tuned.