How to get Dino Armor in Destiny 2 Festival of the Lost

Liam Mackay
Dino Armor in Destiny 2

The fan-voted Dino Armor has arrived in Destiny 2 with the Festival of the Lost Halloween event, so here’s how to get your hands on the long-awaited dinosaur-themed armor.

Back in March 2021, Bungie asked Destiny 2 fans whether they’d like the Festival of the Lost’s event armor to be dinosaur or monster-themed.

Dinosaurs won by a landslide, with 81% of the 200,000 votes going towards dinos.

2021’s Festival of the Lost event is here, and the Dino Armor has arrived with it in all its glory. Here’s how to get the T-Rex, triceratops, and velociraptor-themed Destiny 2 armor.

How to get Destiny 2 Dino Armor

Destiny 2 festival of the lost dino armor

All three of the Dino Armor sets are available in Destiny 2’s in-game store until November 2, when Festival of the Lost concludes. The three dinosaur-themed sets are available to purchase with real cash or through Bright Dust, which can be earned in-game for free.

Each set costs 1,500 Silver, which is roughly $15. If you want each set, you’ll need to fork out 4,500 Silver, so the armor doesn’t come cheap.

However, if you don’t want to spend any real money, you can pay 6,000 Bright Dust to get the sets for free.

destiny 2 festival of the lost dino armor

Here are the three Destiny 2 Dino Amor sets and their prices:

  • Technosaurus Titan Bundle (1,500 Silver / 6,000 Bright Dust)
  • Psyceratops Warlock Bundle (1,500 Silver / 6,000 Bright Dust)
  • Roboraptor Hunter Bundle (1,500 Silver / 6,000 Bright Dust)

As this is an event set, you’ll need to make sure you pick them up before the Festival of the Lost concludes on November 2.

But if you’re low on Bright Dust, you can check out our guide on all the ways to get Bright Dust to make sure you rack up enough of this currency to be able to get as much of the Destiny 2 Dino Armor as you want.

For more Destiny 2 Festival of the Lost guides, you can check out how to get the Jurassic Green Pulse Rifle and how to complete the Haunted Lost Sectors!

Image Credit: Bungie