Destiny 2 Beyond Light: How to get the Mask of Bakris exotic helmet

Hamza Khalid

The Mask Of Bakris is an exotic armor piece that can be found in Destiny 2’s Beyond Light expansion. We will go over what it can do and how you can unlock it.

Beyond Light takes you to Europa, a land brimming with secrets and new challenges. You can also find exotic weapons and armor pieces when exploring Jupiter’s freezing cold moon. These all have unique properties that make them worth collecting.

The Mask of Bakris helmet is a great piece of exotic gear to own because of its ability to hide you from foes. It will come in handy during situations where you don’t want enemies spotting you before you strike.

Here is everything you need to know about how to get it so you can try it out for yourself:

Mask of Bakris perks

The helmet comes with one unique attribute: the Light Shift perk. When the Mask of Bakris is equipped, you will shift instead of dodging. This will have a longer range and will hide you from enemies during use. Additionally, your arc weapons will get a damage boost after using shift.

If there are many foes in one area that you don’t want to be seen until you’ve got a plan, then you can use the helmet’s ability to keep yourself in the clear. This allows you to complete missions through different methods.

How to Get Mask of Bakris exotic Hunter helmet in Destiny 2 Beyond Light

Obtaining this exotic armor piece will not be easy. You’ll have to put yourself through serious challenges without any guarantee that you’ll immediately unlock the item if you succeed. If you’re feeling up to it, this is what you need to do.

The Mask of Bakris isn’t available everyday so you will have to hope that you picked the right day. You can get this exotic item by playing through higher level sectors so you’ll need to be above level 1200 to do this. Be sure to do these missions solo otherwise you’ll only be rewarded with Enhancement Cores.

Your best bet is to grind through the Lost Sectors on Europa or EDZ at 1250 Legend or 1280 Master level. You will have to face off against powerful foes that are capable of dishing out high amounts of damage. This won’t be a cakewalk so make sure you have some really solid gear at hand.

If you’re lucky, you’ll unlock the helmet immediately after clearing one of these missions. If not, then you’ll just have to try your luck the next day as this item isn’t a common drop. Keep trying these lost sectors and one of these times you’ll get lucky.

That covers everything you need to know about unlocking the Mask of Bakris exotic Hunter helmet in Destiny 2: Beyond Light.