Destiny 2 devs clear up confusion over Season of the Splicer XP nerf

Andrew Highton
destiny 2 season of the splicer xp

Season of the Splicer has seemingly nerfed the XP players can receive in Destiny 2, but it’s actually a deliberate decision by Bungie, and they have explained why they have done this.

Getting fewer rewards than your efforts deserve is something no player likes to face, and this has apparently been the case for Destiny 2 players since Season of the Splicer launched. Completing the game’s Weekly Challenges hasn’t been paying out the XP that they did in Season of the Chosen.

Players have put this down to a damaging bug, and it turns out that it’s an actual nerf to the earned XP. However, this is by design as Bungie has explained in a recent statement regarding XP in Destiny 2 Season of the Splicer.

destiny 2 season of the splicer

The explanation was provided in a Bungie blog post explaining what the issue has been for players and why the change has been implemented.

“First, there was a bug last Season where players who had earned XP bonuses from Season 12’s Season Pass did not have these bonuses reset at the start of Season 13. This carry-over resulted in Season 13 Challenges paying out much greater XP than intended.

“Rather than opt to fix the bug midseason, we decided to leave it in place and let players continue to benefit from it. We mistakenly did not acknowledge this bug during Season 13, and we missed it in the 3.2.0 patch notes for Season 14.”

So Bungie’s main misstep was by not communicating to players what has actually happened, and that players are now receiving the same XP they should’ve been getting last season.

Bungie even provided a table to properly break down the data, showing what the XP was like beforehand for Weekly Challenges, and what it’s like now.

Season 13Season 14Base Payout SizeBase Payout Size
Extra Large XP0.25 Ranks0.5 Ranks
XPX2 Extra Large XP0.5 Ranks1.0 Ranks
Double XPX4 Extra Large XP1.0 Ranks2.0 Ranks
4x XPX8 Extra Large XP2.0 Ranks4.0 Ranks

So if you were able to take advantage of the additional XP in Season of the Chosen, then you’ve managed to do well.

Also, be sure to check out Season of the Splicer Week One, Week Two, and Week Three challenges too.

Image Credit: Bungie