Destiny 2 Season of the Chosen: Release date, trailer, story, strikes & weapons

Andrew Highton
destiny 2 season of the chosen leaked image

We are coming to the end of Destiny 2’s Season of the Hunt period. Fans are already looking to Season 13 and all the new stuff that the accidentally leaked “Season of the Chosen” will bring, such as its start date, story info, new strikes, and more.

“Season of the [Redacted]” as Bungie has been calling it is quickly coming up on the horizon. Its real name was found through datamining some time ago and it’s officially been confirmed thanks to an accidental Tweet that broke the embargo date.

The official Bungie website has already provided many hints and nods to content that is going to be seen in the upcoming season. So we’ve compiled a lot of this information into one big, handy go-to for Destiny players.

destiny 2 season of the hunt

Destiny 2 Season 13 start date

Each season of Destiny 2 usually lasts for about 10 weeks and Season 12 looks to be no different.

Season of the Hunt will end on February 9, with the brand new Season of the Chosen also set to commence on February 9.

Destiny 2 Season 13 story

Bungie is trying to stretch Beyond Light as much as they can by really developing the story throughout its duration, and the accidental Tweet may have already revealed who Season 13’s antagonist will be.

The image shows what appears to be Caiatl, Calus’ daughter, taking up the majority of the picture’s background. There have been many hints that this was the direction the story was headed thanks to teasers throughout the season.

destiny 2 calus

Destiny 2 Season 13 strikes

Bungie needs to make sure they’re keeping Destiny 2 fresh and hot as always to keep their loyal fanbase coming back for more. This is why it’s good news that the leak has suggested we’ll see a few new strikes in Season of the Chosen.

Furthermore, some “returning favorites” are to be expected as well, meaning there will be a lot of extra new strike content to look forward to. Also, Cabal’s soldiers are expected to be in specific places on the map now, leading to a lot of new potential fights and maybe even activities.

Destiny 2 Season 13 weapons

Weapons and armor from The Dreaming City and Moon are set to return from these locations. The Reverie Dawn and Dreambane armor sets will make a comeback and so will four weapons from each location. This will include some absolute classics such as the Waking Vigil hand cannon.

Drop rates will be weighted towards the updated iterations to help players increase their chances of landing the newer gear. On top of their makeover, the armor and weapons will also differ from their previous iterations by coming with higher stats, and extra perk options.

The official “This Week at Bungie” blog also stated that we’d see the following:

  • In Season 13, we’re adding six new Legendary weapons to our ritual activities, two each for strikes, Gambit, and Crucible.
  • In addition to the weapons above, Nightfall strikes are getting three unique weapons, with The Palindrome, The Swarm, and Shadow Price all making their Destiny 2 debuts. If you’re brave enough to take on Grandmaster Nightfalls, you will be also able to earn Adept versions of these weapons. 
destiny 2 waking vigil

Destiny 2 Season 13 other changes

Whilst the story and other key changes will obviously take the headlines, Season 13 is expected to introduce some other less-heralded, but equally, vital changes to freshen up the game.

Vendor changes

Vendor tokens are being phased out in favor of doing tasks to level up each vendor. You’ll also be able to reset the level if you hit the maximum cap. Make sure to turn in the tokens you have now as to not miss out on potential rewards.

Seasonal challenges

Say goodbye to Crucible, Strike, and Gambit bounties as they are being kicked to the curb in favor of new Seasonal Challenges. Each week, players will see lots of new challenges and can be accomplished via playlists or other activities.

Umbral Engrams

Rejoice as Umbral Engrams have been confirmed by Bungie to be returning in Season of the Chosen. These useful items allow players to focus on specific weapons and armor drops they really want.

Bright Dust

destiny 2 bright dust

Players will have more ways to earn Bright Dust with Season of the Chosen as Bungie has confirmed that Seasonal Challenges will reward Bright Dust. These are the specific amounts:

  • Seasonal challenges can net up to 10,000 Bright Dust
  • Season Pass helps out with 10,500 Bright Dust
  • Weekly Challenges offer 14,040 Bright Dust

This combines together for the sum of 34,540 Bright Dust for players to potentially earn as they play Season 13.

Destiny 2 Season 13 trailer

Bungie has released the official trailer for Season 13 of Destiny, officially confirming the “Season of the Chosen” name.

As you can see from all this information, Bungie is relentless in its attitude to delivering a huge amount of stellar content for fans to look forward to.

More information is expected to become official very soon as we’ll be sure to update you when we get it.

Image credits: Bungie