Best Diablo 4 Rogue builds for Season 5

Aakrit Sharma
Diablo 4 Rogue

Rogues in Diablo 4 have to battle through relentless waves of demons while tackling the Infernal Hordes questline. This means that you’ll need to create the best builds that are highly mobile and capable of dealing massive AoE damage.

If you want to discover the best Rogue builds for Diablo 4 Season 5, here’s everything you need to know about them.

Best Rogue build for leveling up in Diablo 4

The Twisting Blades Rogue build in Diablo 4 is the best for reaching Level 50 thanks to its fast leveling, high AoE damage, and incredible mobility.

Here’s a breakdown of how to use your Skill and Renown points to get your Twisting Blades Rogue build for leveling in Season of the Infernal Hordes:

LevelRogue skillSkill type
2PunctureBasic skill
3Enhanced PunctureBasic skill
4Twisting BladesCore skill
5Enhanced Twisting BladesCore skill
6Advanced Twisting BladesCore skill
7Fundamental PunctureBasic skill
8DashAgility skill
9Shadow StepAgility skill
10Twisting BladesCore skill
11Twisting BladesCore skill
12Twisting BladesCore skill
13Dark ShroudSubterfuge skill
14Enhanced Dark ShroudSubterfuge skill
15Subverting Dark ShroudSubterfuge skill
16Poison Trap Subterfuge skill
17Enhanced Poison TrapSubterfuge skill
18Twisting BladesCore skill
19Enhanced Shadow StepAgility skill
20Methodical Shadow StepAgility skill
21ExploitSubterfuge skill
22ExploitSubterfuge skill
23ExploitSubterfuge skill
24SturdyCore skill
25InnervationUltimate Skill
26InnervationUltimate Skill
27InnervationUltimate Skill
28Adrenaline RushUltimate skill
29HasteUltimate skill
30HasteUltimate skill
31HasteUltimate skill
32Trap MasteryUltimate skill
33Trap MasteryUltimate skill
34Trap MasteryUltimate skill
35MomentumKey Passive
36ConcussiveAgility Skill
37ConcussiveAgility Skill
38ConcussiveAgility Skill
39Siphoning Strikes Core Skill
40Siphoning StrikesCore Skill
41Siphoning StrikesCore Skill
42Deadly VenomImbuements Skill
43Alchemical AdvantageImbuements skill
44Debilitating ToxinsImbuements skill
45Debilitating ToxinsImbuements skill
46Debilitating ToxinsImbuements skill
47Weapon MasteryAgility skill
48Weapon MasteryAgility skill
49Weapon MasteryAgility Skill
50Paragon Board starts
Renown skill point -1 Enhanced DashAgility Skill
Renown skill point -2 Disciplined DashAgility Skill
Renown skill point -3 Stutter StepCore Skill
Renown skill point – 4Stutter StepCore  Skill
Renown skill point -5 Stutter StepCore Skill
Renown skill point -6MaliceSubterfuge skill
Renown skill point -7MaliceSubterfuge skill
Renown skill point -8 MaliceSubterfuge skill
Renown skill point -9 DashAgility skill
Renown skill point -10DashAgility skill

How to play Twisting Blades Rogue build in Diablo 4

You can use this attack rotation to make the most of the Twisting Blades Rogue build:

  • Puncture (build up Combo points) > Dash/Shadow Step > Twisting Blades > Alchemical Advantage > Dash > Puncture > Twisting Blades.

This build applies debuffs such as Slow, Dazed, and Vulnerable to enemies. Shadow Imbuement that explodes dead opponents is a key skill here as it synergizes brilliantly with Twisting Blades and allows you to deal 40% more damage to nearby enemies.

For boss fights or tough battles in general, the Shadow Clone Ultimate is perfect. You get a clone that replicates all your actions and deals 60% more damage, and you can use Aspects to make your clone throw Shadow Imbued attacks as well.

A Rogue character with a mask in Diablo 4
Depending on the build, a Rogue can excel in both single-target damage and crowd control.

Best Legendary Aspects for Twisting Blades Rogue build

AspectGear SlotBuffsLocation
Aspect of the ProtectorHelmDamaging an Elite enemy grants you a Barrier absorbing up to [5,171 – 10,342] damage for 10 seconds. This effect can only happen once every 20 seconds.Lost Archives Dungeon
Undying AspectChestWhen you cast a Skill, you heal for [0.5 – 2.0]% Life. Double this bonus while below 50% Life.Found on random Legendary Items
Aspect of Concussive StrikesGlovesLucky Hit: Damaging an enemy has up to a 20% chance to Daze them for 2 seconds.
You deal [5 – 20]% increased damage to Dazed enemies.
Found on random Legendary Items
Aspect of MightPantsBasic Skills grant 20.0% Damage Reduction for [2.0 – 7.0] seconds.Dark Ravine
Frostbitten AspectBootsEnemies hit by your Stun Grenades have a chance equal to your Critical Strike Chance to be Frozen for 2 seconds.
You deal [10 – 25]%[x] increased Critical Strike Damage against Frozen or Stunned enemies.
Found on random Legendary Items
Edgemaster’s AspectAmuletSkills deal up to [5 – 20]%[x] increased damage based on your available Primary Resource when cast, receiving the maximum benefit while you have full Primary Resource.Oldstones Dungeon
Rapid AspectRingBasic Skills gain [15 – 30]%[+] Attack Speed.Buried Halls
Aspect of RetributionRanged WeaponDistant enemies have a 10% chance to be Stunned for 2 seconds when they hit you.
You deal [15 – 30]%[x] increased damage to Stunned or Knocked Down enemies.
Abandoned Mineworks
Aspect of the ExpectantWeaponAfter attacking enemies with a Basic Skill, increase the damage of your next Core Skill cast within 5 seconds by [5 – 10]%[x], up to 30%.Underrot Dungeon

Best Uniques for Twisting Blades Rogue build 

Crown of LucionHelm
Paingorger’s GauntletGloves
The UmbracruxWeapon
Scoundrel’s KissRing

Best endgame Rogue build in Season 5

The Rapid Fire Rogue is the best endgame Rogue build you’ll get to use in Season 5. This build focuses on DPS and taking down groups of enemies while ensuring you stay mobile enough to reposition when needed.

Here’s a breakdown of the skills that are essential for the Rapid Fire Rogue:

LevelRogue Skill
2Enhanced Forceful Arrow
3Rapid Fire
4Fundamental Forceful Arrow
5Enhanced Rapid Fire
6Improved Rapid Fire
8Enhanced Dash
9Rapid Fire
11Siphoning Strikes
12Dark Shroud
13Enhanced Dark Shroud
14Countering Dark Shroud
15Forceful Arrow
16Rapid Fire
17Shadow Imbuement
18Enhanced Shadow Imbuement
19Blended Shadow Imbuement
20Weapon Mastery
21Weapon Mastery
22Weapon Mastery
23Dark Shroud
24Death Trap
25Prime Death Trap
26Supreme Death Trap
27Trap Mastery
28Trap Mastery
29Trap Mastery
30Shadow Crash
31 Consuming Shadows
32Shadow Imbuement
33Shadow Imbuement
35Forceful Arrow
36Forceful Arrow
37Forceful Arrow
38Rapid Fire
39Rapid Fire
42Siphoning Strikes
43Siphoning Strikes
50Paragon Board starts
Renown skill point -1Precision Imbuement
Renown skill point -2Precision Imbuement
Renown skill point -3Precision Imbuement
Renown skill point – 4Precision Imbuement
Renown skill point -5Shadow Imbuement
Renown skill point -6Shadow Imbuement
Renown skill point -7Dark Shroud
Renown skill point -8Dark Shroud
Renown skill point -9Dark Shroud
Renown skill point -10Dark Shroud

How to play the Rapid Fire Rogue build in Diablo 4

Your Rapid Fire Rogue will need to be able to quickly reposition to make the best of its combo. Focus on using Dark Shroud and Dash to move around, and unleash Forceful Arrow to start your attack.

You can build three Combo Points while Knocking Back enemies with Forceful Arrow, and Rapid Fire will also quickly turn into your main damage skill. After finishing your combo, you can use Rain of Arrows for a double wave AoE Knowck Down with huge damage.

Remember you’ll need to constantly have up to two charges of Shadow Imbuement to buff all your abilities.

Best Legendary Aspects for Rapid Fire Rogue build 

AspectGear SlotBuffsLocation
Umbrous AspectHelmetLucky Hit: Critical Strikes have up to a [45 – 60]% chance to grant a free Dark Shroud shadow.Found on random Legendary Items
Undying AspectChestWhen you cast a Skill, you heal for [0.5 – 2.0]% Life. Double this bonus while below 50% Life.Found on random Legendary Items
Aspect of Concussive StrikesGlovesLucky Hit: Damaging an enemy has up to a 20% chance to Daze them for 2 seconds.
You deal [5 – 20]% increased damage to Dazed enemies.
Found on random Legendary Items
Aspect of MightPantsBasic Skills grant 20.0% Damage Reduction for [2.0 – 7.0] seconds.Dark Ravine
Frostbitten AspectBootsEnemies hit by your Stun Grenades have a chance equal to your Critical Strike Chance to be Frozen for 2 seconds.
You deal [10 – 25]%[x] increased Critical Strike Damage against Frozen or Stunned enemies.
Found on random Legendary Items
Edgemaster’s AspectAmuletSkills deal up to [5 – 20]%[x] increased damage based on your available Primary Resource when cast, receiving the maximum benefit while you have full Primary Resource.Oldstones
Rapid AspectRingBasic Skills gain [15 – 30]%[+] Attack Speed.Buried Halls
Aspect of RetributionRanged weaponDistant enemies have a 10% chance to be Stunned for 2 seconds when they hit you.
You deal [15 – 30]%[x] increased damage to Stunned or Knocked Down enemies.
Abandoned Mineworks Dungeon
Aspect of the ExpectantWeaponAfter attacking enemies with a Basic Skill, increase the damage of your next Core Skill cast within 5 seconds by [5 – 10]%[x], up to 30%.Underrot Dungeon

Best Paragon Board setup for Rapid Fire Rogue

Paragon BoardNodesGlyph
Start BoardPrime, SkillfulRanger
Exploit WeaknessArtifice, Hunter Killer, Unassailable, ExploitExploit
Trick of the TradeHavoc, Focused, LawlessCombat
Cunning StratagemSlayer, Fundamentals, Lawless, FinisherDiminish
Eldritch BountyPotent, Ready Supply, ImbuerEfficacy

Best Uniques for Rapid Fire Rogue build 

Crown of LucionHelm
Paingorger’s GauntletGloves
The UmbracruxWeapon
Scoundrel’s KissRing

Best PvP Rogue build in Diablo 4 Season 5

The Barrage Rogue build in Diablo 4 Season 5 is best for taking part in PvP fights. Here’s how you should allocate your Skill Points to build it.

LevelRogue skillSkill type
1PunctureBasic Skill
2Enhanced PunctureBasic skill
3BarrageCore skill
4Enhanced BarrageCore skill
5Improved BarrageCore skill
6Fundamental PunctureBasic skill
7DashAgility skill
8Puncture Basic skill
9PunctureBasic skill
10BarrageCore skill
11BarrageCore skill
12Dark ShroudSubterfuge skill
13Enhanced Dark ShroudSubterfuge skill
14Subverting Dark ShroudSubterfuge skill
15BarrageCore skill
16BarrageCore skill
17Shadow ImbuementImbuement skill
18Poison ImbuementImbuement skill
19Shadow CrashImbuement skill
20Consuming ShadowsImbuement skill
21Enhanced Shadow ImbuementImbuement skill
22Blended Shadow ImbuementImbuementskill
23Enhanced Poison ImbuementImbuementskill
24Mixed Poison ImbuementImbuement skill
25Adrenaline RushUltimate Skill
26‍HasteUltimate Skill
27‍HasteUltimate Skill
28‍HasteUltimate skill
29Precision ImbuementImbuement skill
30Precision ImbuementImbuement skill
31Precision ImbuementImbuement skill
32‍ExploitCore skill
33ExploitCore skill
34Precision Key Passive
35ExploitCore Skill
36MaliceSubterfuge Skill
37MaliceSubterfuge Skill
38MaliceSubterfuge Skill
39Weapon MasteryAgility Skill
40Weapon MasteryAgility Skill
41Weapon MasteryAgility Skill
42ConcussiveAgility Skill
43ConcussiveAgility skill
44ConcussiveAgility skill
45‍Poison ImbuementImbuement skill
46‍Poison ImbuementImbuement skill
47‍Poison ImbuementImbuement skill
48‍Poison ImbuementImbuement skill
49Stutter StepCore Skill
Renown skill point – 1 Stutter StepCore Skill
Renown skill point – 2 Stutter StepCore Skill
Renown skill point – 3 ImpetusUltimate Skill
Renown skill point – 4ImpetusUltimate Skill
Renown skill point – 5 ImpetusUltimate Skill
Renown skill point – 6‍PunctureBasic skill
Renown skill point – 7‍PunctureBasic skill
Renown skill point – 8 Dark ShroudSubterfuge skill
Renown skill point – 9 Dark ShroudSubterfuge skill
Renown skill point – 10Dark ShroudSubterfuge skill

How to play Barrage Rogue build in Diablo 4

Here’s an attack rotation that might help you understand the Barrage build better:

  • Shadow Step > Puncture (to build Combo Points) > Shadow Imbuement > Barrage > Shadow Step > Barrage > Smoke Grenade (to escape mobs) > Shadow Step

The Barrage Rogue build allows you to slow down enemies and control groups of them while maintaining distance. With weapons like bows, it is easy to fire projectiles quickly and even if some enemies get too close, you can rely on Dashes and Smoke Grenades.

Shadow Imbuement is simply there to add AoE damage to this build and passives like Consuming Shadows help generate energy as well.

Best Rogue stats for Diablo 4

  • Dexterity
  • Strength
  • Intelligence
  • Willpower

These stats should be your top priority when building a Rogue character. You should try to boost your base damage and damage reduction.

Best Rogue Gems in Season 5

  • Emeralds – These are best for weapons as they increase Crit Damage. If your build focuses on crowd-controlling, Sapphires can work great too.
  • Skulls – If you’re struggling to survive tough bosses or swarms of enemies, place them in your Jewelry or Armor pieces to boost the healing you receive from potions or gain armor.
  • Topaz – Place it in your Armor to reduce the damage received when you’re Control Impaired. As a Rogue, you’ll often find yourself in situations where this effect will come in handy.

Best Rogue specializations in Diablo 4

  • Combo Points – Using this specialization significantly increases the damage of your Core skills such as Twisting Blades, Flurry, Penetrating Shot, Rapid Fire, and Barrage. If your build resolves around core skills such as Barrage, Penetrating Shot, and Twisting Blades, using Combo Points is a no-brainer.
  • Inner Sight – Players struggling with keeping their Energy high must use Inner Sight. A purple-eye icon appears on certain enemies during battles and beating them adds to your Energy.
  • Preparation – This specialization reduces the cooldown of your Ultimate Skill based on Energy usage. It works best during the endgame where you’ll face the toughest enemies and energy consumption will be at its highest.

Season 5 has overhauled more than 50 Unique Items and Legendary Aspects, which has given room for new builds to shine. To put your characters to the test, try defeating World Bosses or take on any endgame activity.