Diablo 4 devs tease players should “hang onto” spare Uber Uniques

Emily Stander
Grigore in Diablo 4

Diablo 4 Season 3 has started, and while fans originally were not impressed on release, the devs have released some patches that have significantly improved the season. Now, they’re telling players to hang on to their old Uber Uniques. 

Uber Uniques in Diablo 4 are the rarest items you can find in Sanctuary, but players have had complaints in the past that they are too rare, and as a result, are pretty much useless in the long run. 

However, Diablo 4 Community Manager, Adam Fletcher, posted a PSA on the official Diablo 4 forum that told players to hold onto their Uber Uniques for now. 

“The design team has some upcoming plans for players who may have numerous Uber Uniques that they may not use. The team wanted to get a PSA out to users to hang onto these for now,” Fletcher said. 

While he did not go into detail about why they are advising players to hang on to their Uber Uniques, Fletcher mentioned that they will give us more information about this PSA soon. 

Players had their own theories about why this might be happening, though. In a post on Reddit titled “PSA – Hang onto unused Uniques,” many congregated to figure out what the design team may be planning for the future. 

Some players thought that Blizzard may be introducing a trade program, while others thought they would bring in a new crafting system. 

“Guessing it’s a 2 or 3 for 1 type thing where you can salvage them to craft a new one. Kind of like salvaging primals in the recent D3 seasons,” one player commented. 

It appears that Blizzard is continuing to fine-tune Season 3, and players are hopeful that this upcoming change will make Uber Uniques more relevant to the game. 

If you want to know more about Diablo 4, read about how Seneschal pets can one-shot Uber Lilith and why players choose to ignore this Season 3 boss.